Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What is my version of an excellent life?

This is reflective of my life and what I perceive as my own excellent life. My excellent life is a work in progress. I believe in dreams and not forgetting them no matter how long it may take to see them come true. I believe in striving for achieving those things that are important to me. Education is at the foundation of setting those goals. I'd like to make enough money to be able to do the things that makes my family comfortable and happy. I'm not talking about overboard indulgence of material things. I'm still striving for the salary I want that will put me where I want to be - I feel like the carrot dangles just ahead of me, but for years it has been just out of reach. I see myself with my family in a very nice home that has character. I never want my job to take over my life because my family is very dear to me. The things that I already have for which I am deeply thankful are: dear parents, wonderful sister, good Christian husband, three beloved children, nice home, and a great education. To spell out what I want is rather hard because they could be taken as materialistic requests! But my vision of my excellent life includes: larger home, ability to travel often to my favorite places (London, New York, Maine, Mediterranean), and provide enriching experiences for my children. One thing I look forward to is to have someone clean my house on a regular basis - because working full time with three children while attending graduate school can be hectic! I must admit while I like the finer things in life, I am a very down-to-earth person. I like to do what is right and proper. Overall to describe me would be to say I am classically elegant!

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